5 Signs You Need To Hire A Divorce Attorney

If you are about to get a Florida divorce, you might be wondering whether you should hire a divorce attorney. While you are not required to have a lawyer to get a Florida divorce, it is usually advisable to at least consult a divorce lawyer before you move forward with your divorce. Embarking on your divorce without at least consulting a divorce lawyer can end up proving disastrous. Individuals who try to handle their divorces without seeking legal guidance often run into complications and end up regretting not seeking legal advice. Among other things, when you consult with a divorce attorney, you get to evaluate your specific situation and learn about the do’s and don’ts in divorce cases. Keep in mind, just because you are seeking advice from a divorce lawyer does not mean you have to hire him or her. Nevertheless, depending on your situation, hiring an attorney might be the right thing to do.
So, how do you know you need to hire a Florida divorce attorney? Below are five common signs you need to hire a divorce lawyer.
Young Children Are Involved
Children are a huge reason to hire a divorce lawyer, especially if you foresee a child timesharing dispute or another child-related dispute. In a divorce case involving children, the stakes are quite high. Unfortunately, parents often end up fighting over timesharing and other child-related issues. Working with a divorce attorney can help you resolve all child-related issues.
You and Your Spouse Are Not in Good Terms
If you are not on good terms with your spouse, it might be challenging for you to arrive at a divorce settlement without involving a divorce attorney. Usually, couples cannot work together to reach a divorce settlement without the help of an attorney when irreconcilable differences are involved.
Your Divorce Involves Multiple Complex Issues
Going through the divorce process requires ample knowledge of divorce laws. If your divorce involves complex issues like alimony, timesharing, property division, and prenuptial agreements, among others, and you don’t know much about Florida divorce laws, it would be best for you to hire a divorce lawyer. Remember that divorce laws vary from state to state. So, what you may have learned about divorce while in another state might not apply to your Florida divorce. If yours is a Florida divorce, you need to know what Florida divorce laws say regarding divorce-related matters.
There Was Domestic Violence or Abuse in Your Marriage
When domestic violence is involved, it is hard for spouses to communicate on equal ground. That is because abusive spouses usually intimidate and dominate their spouses. Unfortunately, an abusive partner can easily persuade the other spouse into an unfair divorce settlement if no attorney is involved.
You and Your Spouse Have a Joint Business/Corporation
If you and your spouse have a business or corporation together, it might be hard for you two to agree on how it should be divided. Basically, when a business is involved, a divorce case can get very complicated and confusing. An attorney can help you navigate confusing and complex details when they arise.
Contact a Jacksonville Divorce Lawyer
Do you need help with your divorce? Contact a Jacksonville divorce lawyer today at the Lasky Law Firm to schedule a consultation.