Monthly Archives: May 2023

Tips To Help You Navigate A Contested Divorce
When people get a divorce, they can either go with the option of a contested divorce or an uncontested divorce. An uncontested divorce is where parties agree on all the divorce-related issues. On the other hand, a contested divorce is where parties cannot agree on all or some of the divorce-related issues. A contested… Read More »

Tips For Divorcing A Difficult Spouse
If you are married to a difficult or angry spouse, and plan to get a divorce, you already know how complex the divorce process can be. You are likely feeling overwhelmed just thinking about it. It is crucial that you prepare yourself before divorcing. The following are some actions you can take that can… Read More »

Things Divorce Lawyers Wish People Knew
If you are about to get a divorce, you probably already know that divorce can be complicated and expensive. However, there are things that you can do to make the divorce process easier and less costly. At The Lasky Law Firm, we have seen it all, and we wanted to share some things that… Read More »

The 5 Emotional Stages Of Divorce
When two people get married, they vow to love and care for each other for the rest of their lives. Often, people take time before deciding to get married. Therefore, the decision to divorce usually causes pain and other complex emotions. Losing a marriage entails more than just moving away from someone you used… Read More »